Fox & Cubs Club
A Heritage Lottery Funded Programme
For the first four months of 2021, whilst we were all still in a Covid lockdown, we went online with our ‘Fox & Cubs Club’ for dads & their kids. Activities are back in the park as intended, but we have left the nature-based resources online for anyone that would like to download them.
Go outside and discover the natural world on your doorstep with our online activity packs
And check our events calendar for Saturday Fox & Cubs activity sessions in the Country Park
Tree Activity Booklet (January)
Version 1
Create a booklet to take out with you and fill in as you go
6 pages, to be printed double sided on A4 (flip the paper on the short side) and folded in half to make an A5 size booklet
Version 2
Online paper-saving version
11 pages, just print those pages that show a printer in the corner, and view the rest of the booklet online as you do the activities

Signs of Spring Activity Booklet (February)
Version 1
Create a booklet to take out with you and fill in as you go
6 pages, to be printed double sided on A4 (flip the paper on the short side) and folded in half to make an A5 size booklet
Version 2
Online version
12 pages, download & view the booklet online as you do the activities
Download the online version (16Mb)

Insect Activity Booklet (March)
Online booklet
12 pages, download and view the booklet online as you do the activities
Download the booklet (6Mb)
Pages to print
3 pages from the online version, which include content you might like to print

Bird Activity Booklet (April)
Online booklet
12 pages, download and view the booklet online as you do the activities
Pages to print
3 pages from the online version, which include content you might like to print